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         Canberra Paranormal Investigators 
                                                   Copyright 2019 ©                        

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 What we do

We investigate paranormal activity in homes, businesses or properties located in the Canberra region and nearby surrounding districts.

We are here to help people and families that are experiencing any supernatural activity, concerning haunting or any diabolic influences affecting their lives.


Areas we deal with:


   Poltergeist activity

   Diabolic influences

 These can be brought about by :

 + Curses

 + Cursed objects

 + Talismans

 + Generational Curses

 + Incantations or Spells

 + Hexes   

 + Witchcraft

 + Black Magic / Voodoo

 + Evil Eye

 + Awaking of the Third Eye

 + Dabbling in the occult:

    Seances/Tarot cards/Ouija boards 

 + Trauma / Post Traumatic Stress

 + Sin

We strive to help people and their families to better understand the happenings and provide solutions on how to deal with the situation.

We always advise that a haunting should not be ignored. It can often escalate to a more serious situation over time.

Unfortunately, most people will not seek help until their situation becomes serious.

Our team of professionals are not your typical ghost hunter type of investigators.

We do not go on ghost hunts and explore haunted buildings for recreation and we do not engage in Necromancy or Divination.

We investigate private cases in strictest confidence and do not publish any cases on social media. 

Before we can conclude that the activity is of a paranormal nature we will firstly eliminate any natural causes. We can us the latest technical equipment to assist in our investigations.

We do not charge for our service.

Get in touch with us if you are experiencing any paranormal activity, concerning haunting or diabolic influence.

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Signs of a demonic haunting :

Some Examples of typical and atypical, but still commonly reported, paranormal activity:

1 - Foul, rotten odors without a source, e.g. human waste, rotten flesh or sulfur.  These odors have a sickening effect.
2 - Knocking and/or banging on or in walls without a discernable source.  More often than not, the knocking or banging will be heard in a series of three, mocking the Trinity.
3 - Seeing black shadowy figures during demonic activity.
4 - Overwhelming oppressive feeling and within infested rooms, many claim to experience acute nausea.
5 - Unusual behavior or reactions of animals/pets.  Animals are fully aware of a demonic presence. They can be alarmed, frightened or extremely aggressive as to protect family and often become extremely ill.
6 - Overwhelming sense of dread - one intuitively knows that something is not right.
7 - Growling sounds without a discernable source.
8 - Religious objects desecrated or destroyed.
9 - Objects and furniture move without cause and are sometimes thrown at those around at that time.
10 - Paranormal activity during prayer.
11 - Change in a family member’s personality or behavior.  Demonic entities normally target the weakest family member. 
12 - Havoc with finances, electrical or plumbing or structural integrity of property.  Usually one’s finances are strained or on the road to ruin before other problems surface.
13 - Family members may have less than harmonious interactions with one another.  They turn on each other.
14 - Swarming insects.  In demonic cases, swarming flies are most common although it can be bats, bees, beetles, cockroaches, dragonflies, mosquito and moths.
15 - The sound of footsteps on floors or stairs.
16 - Disturbances in electronic equipment such as digital clocks going backwards, appliances or lights turning on and off.
17 - Temperature differences in localized area.  Extremely cold temperatures in certain rooms or areas regardless of outside temperatures.
18 - Fluids appearing on walls or floors.
19 - Black human figures that stand or move about.
20 - Black clouds that look like smoke, moving about without dissipating.
21 - Physical attacks, i.e. scratching, hitting, pushing, biting, punching or being thrown.*
22 - Psychological attacks are possible. The victim begins to think that they are crazy.  One begins to hear and see things, they begin to hear the demonic actually speak to them and they begin to think things that they would normally never think.* 
23 - Spiritual attacks are possible.
24 - Sexual assaults can happen.*
25 - Levitation of objects or the moving of objects.
26 - Sleep disturbances.
*The majority of listed activity falls within the first stage of a demonic haunting – infestation.
Demonic infestation is the stage in which demonic entities take ownership of one’s home or property.  Please understand that when you are dealing with physical, psychological and sexual attacks, the haunting can immediately progress into the second stage – oppression.  This stage is the second stage to possession and is quite dangerous.  It is here that the demonic attempt to destroy your will, faith and intellect. 
Some examples of typical and atypical, but still commonly reported, paranormal activity:
27 - Loud, unexplained bangs, rappings or knocks, strange sounds, music, hearing distinct voices, crying babies or names being called which appear to come out of nowhere.
28 - Objects moving (either visibly or while you are out) without a human explanation.
29 - Strange feelings of extreme fear in certain rooms for no apparent reason, feelings of being watched or "not alone."
30 - Vibrating sensations, feeling a blast of unusually cold or hot air where there shouldn't be, having hair pulled or body touched in some way.
unexplainable cuts, scratches or bruises that appear and disappear suddenly.
31 - Unusual coincidences (this is a broad topic but often manifests as something that just has no worldly explanation, for example: finding a lost item after finding something that points you to where you would find it and instantly recognizing the connection.)
32 - Visuals - These can be shadows, lights, body parts or even full bodied persons which appear and then vanish.
33 - Smells that can not be explained, such as a certain type of perfume that appears at certain times or the lingering smell of feces in a home that has no reason to smell.
Other signs of activity to watch for in conjunction with some of these:
34 - Sudden, unexplainable changes in behavior or interests in family members
35 - An interest in the occult, or a marked change in interest in self-destructive behaviors like alcoholism, drug use or promiscuity.
36 - Preoccupation with new age  or esoteric teachings and ideas.
37 - Extremely unhealthful physical habits (eating only one type of thing, or not eating at all, for example.)
38 - A definite feeling of unease/fear/ lack of peace/ even chaos within a family on a regular basis or within a building or place.
39 - Strange coincidences such as all members of a family dying of unnatural causes or a generational inability to come out of poverty, a recurring sickness or mental sickness.
40 - A sudden ability to speak a different language, external knowledge of interior things which others have not revealed, new "abilities" such as increased psychic activity, trances, or visions which may prove accurate.
41 - Superhuman strength that did not exist previously.
42 - Night terrors, recurring nightmares, sensations of physical heaviness on the body which do not allow a person to move.
43 - New physical manifestations: Things that appear only when a certain mood or topic of conversation occurs, for example.
44 - A strong attraction towards certain religious items or a complete disgust with certain religious items.
45 - Markedly different behavior when certain types of activities take place, in particular in conjunction with religious activities. (for example, getting violently angry after receiving communion or being confessed, responding poorly to prayer or being unable to pray oneself.)
46 - A strong belief in the effects of the spirit world on oneself coupled with a desire to intensify the paranormal experiences.
47 - Strange behavior, such as talking to oneself or making gestures that are not decipherable.


Any of these things need to be examined further if they are a regular occurrence in your home or place of business.




The Team

 Our Lead Investigator is also a Demonologist.

                                                                 One of our investigators is a Social Psychologist.

Team member profiles



Joe Catanzariti - Religious Demonologist


Religious Demonologist
Lead Investigator

Spiritual Warfare Counsellor


The Team


Joe's professional background has come from an extensive career in aviation as a pilot.

The preternatural is no stranger to Joe.

He has seen various types of manifestations of the demonic.
He has also seen different levels of diabolic influences and knows how it negatively impacts people's lives. 

He himself has also been subjected to spells, attacks, influences, curses by the demonic. 

Along with all this, Joe has witnessed the authority and healing power of God.

Joe has worked on numerous cases and assisted people to be liberated from their distressing situation.

His knowledge and research have been focused in the areas of demonology, hauntings and spiritual warfare.

He has seen and recognises different levels of diabolic influences and how it negatively impacts people's lives. Even though, cases of possession in Australia are not as common as in some other countries, Joe has come across it on a couple of occasions. The majority of cases he has come across have been where a person is suffering the stages of diabolic influence known as Oppression or Obsession. It is a very destructive stage to a person's life and therefore after liberation a healing process may need to be addressed.   

Discerning the type of spirit/spirits and how it was invited is a crucial part of his investigations.

Joe is the founder of Canberra Paranormal Investigators.

For Joe, being a Demonologist is something he has been called to. His spiritual grounding in the Catholic faith is an essential element when dealing with cases.



Social Psychologist

Angela is a social psychologist who specializes in how our social environment influences our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Angela has a keen interest in investigating and understanding people’s experiences that appear to be paranormal in nature, particularly if the experiences have led to negative consequences.

Angela brings her many years of psychological research, her keen sense of empathy and her rooted Christian-Catholic faith to investigations.


​​"Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world."

                                                           Ephesians 6:12









Spiritual Warfare

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